Уральский институт экономики, управления и права

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Dear School-Leaver!
If You decide to enter the Institute of Economics, Management and Law, welcome!
Our address: Yekaterinburg, ul. Lunacharskogo 194, r. 325
(stop “Kuybysheva- Lunacharskogo”)
Tel.: 8 (343) 261-59-58, 261-57-92
You need to address to the admission committee (r.325)
The following documents should be enclosed to the application for admittance:
·          photocopies of documents that prove the identity and citizenship. Copies should be attested in established order;
·          photos (6) of size 3*4 sm.;
·          attested copies or an original state document of education;
·          certificates of the Unified State Examination for 2009 and 2010 or attested copies;
·          pre-conscription certificate (military card) for full-time tuition;
·          medical certificate of the form No. 086-u.
If You are a school-leaver of a current year or You have a certificate of the Unified State Examination for 2009 and 2010 You need to address to the admission committee (r. 325) where You should fill in an application and get a protocol with recommendation for admittance.
If You left a school in Russia before January 1, 2009 or if You left a foreign school You need to pass an entrance testing that is held without appointment from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. at address:
ul. Lunacharskogo 194, r. 325.
You should have:
·    passport;
·    document of education or a copy.
You can learn the results of testing in the admission committee,
tel.: 261-59-58.
You can enter the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law passing an interview of professional specialization if You have:
·    diploma of secondary professional education of specialization that corresponds to the chosen speciality;
·    diploma of higher professional education.
You need to pass an interview of professional directivity with the Dean of the corresponding faculty and get a protocol with recommendation for admittance.
When You get a protocol with recommendation for admittance You need to sign the education contract at a personal department that is situated on ul. Sonya Morozova 180, r.304.
You need to have the following documents:
·    passport;
·    protocol of the admission committee with recommendation for admittance (a copy).
Attention! If You are not of legal age the education contract has to be signed only in presence of one of the parents (legal representative). After You sign a contract and pay for your education You will be accepted to the Institute by Rector’s order.
Mode of operation:
Monday – Friday:  9.00-17.00
Saturday, Sunday – days off
If You have any questions we will be glad to answer them.
Tel. 261-59-58 or 261-57-92
Good Luck!
Last Updated on Monday, 20 May 2024 14:16  

г. Екатеринбург,
ул. Луначарского, 194
тел. +7(343)261-59-58

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