If You decide to enter the Institute of Economics, Management and Law, welcome!Our address: Yekaterinburg, ul. Lunacharskogo 194, r. 325(stop “Kuybysheva- Lunacharskogo”)Tel.: 8 (343) 261-59-58, 261-57-92You need to address to the admission committee (r.325)The following documents should be enclosed to the application for admittance:· photocopies of documents that prove the identity and citizenship. Copies should be attested in established order;· photos (6) of size 3*4 sm.;· attested copies or an original state document of education;· certificates of the Unified State Examination for 2009 and 2010 or attested copies;· pre-conscription certificate (military card) for full-time tuition;· medical certificate of the form No. 086-u. |
If You are a school-leaver of a current year or You have a certificate of the Unified State Examination for 2009 and 2010 You need to address to the admission committee (r. 325) where You should fill in an application and get a protocol with recommendation for admittance. | If You left a school in Russia before January 1, 2009 or if You left a foreign school You need to pass an entrance testing that is held without appointment from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. at address: ul. Lunacharskogo 194, r. 325.You should have:· passport;· document of education or a copy.You can learn the results of testing in the admission committee, tel.: 261-59-58. | You can enter the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law passing an interview of professional specialization if You have:· diploma of secondary professional education of specialization that corresponds to the chosen speciality;· diploma of higher professional education.You need to pass an interview of professional directivity with the Dean of the corresponding faculty and get a protocol with recommendation for admittance. |